[Math Lair] Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers by Martin Gardner

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Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers by Martin Gardner (Dover Books, 1988) is a book of puzzles, riddles, and other brainteasers. It consists of two volumes bound as one: Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers, first published in 1969, and More Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers, first published in 1977. The book as a whole consists of 93 brain-teasers (47 in the the first volume and 46 in the other). Many of the 93 sections consist of multiple puzzles (e.g., to take one example of many, the toothpick teasers problem consists of six figures to create), so there's enough in the book for several lazy afternoons of amusement.

The puzzles are mostly ones that would appeal to young readers, although many of the problems would be of interest to older readers, provided they haven't seen the problems before (several of the puzzles are classics, and others that are original to Gardner have since become classics, so it's possible that readers may have seen several of the puzzles before).

There is a wide assortment of puzzles, including word puzzles, visual puzzles, number puzzles, riddles, puzzles involving reflections, optical illusions, puzzles that might be referred to as lateral thinking puzzles nowadays, and more. No advanced mathematical or other knowledge is required to solve the problems, but being able to think creatively is very helpful.

The puzzles in this book are generally interest-provoking and the illustrations (by Laszlo Kubinyi) are good. Overall, the book is quite enjoyable. One last note: Having a small, flat mirror handy would be helpful for several of the puzzles, but the book isn't diminished too much if you don't have one.

Rating: 9/10