Archimedes made many wonderful discoveries of different kinds, but of all these that which I shall now explain seems to exhibit a boundless ingenuity. When Hiero was greatly exalted in the royal power at Syracuse, in return for the success of his policy he determined to set up in a certain shrine a golden crown as a votive offering to the immortal gods. He let out the work for a stipulated payment, and weighed out the exact amount of gold for the contractor. At the appointed time the contractor brought his work skilfully executed for the king's approval, and he seemed to have fulfilled exactly the requirement about the weight of the crown. Later information was given that gold had been removed and an equal weight of silver added in the making of the crown. Hiero was indignant at this disrespect for himself, and, being unable to discover any means by which he might unmask the fraud, he asked Archimedes to give it his attention. While Archimedes was turning the problem over, he chanced to come to the place of bathing, and there, as he was sitting down in the tub, he noticed that the amount of water which flowed over the tub was equal to the amount by which his body was immersed. This indicated to him a means of solving the problem, and he did not delay, but in his joy leapt out of the tub and, rushing naked towards his home, he cried out with a loud voice that he had found what he sought. For as he ran he repeatedly shouted in Greek, heureka, heureka.
Then, following up his discovery, he is said to have made two masses of the same weight as the crown, the one of gold and the other of silver. When he had so done, he filled a large vessel right up to the brim with water, into which he dropped the silver mass. The amount by which it was immersed in the vessel was the amount of water which overflowed. Taking out the mass, he poured back the amount by which the water had been depleted, measuring it with a pint pot, so that as before the water was made level with the brim. In this way he found what weight of silver answered to a certain measure of water.
When he had made this test, in like manner he dropped the golden mass into the full vessel. Taking it out again, for the same reason he added a measured quantity of water, and found that the deficiency of water was not the same, but less; and the amount by which it was less corresponded with the excess of a mass of silver, having the same weight, over a mass of gold. After filling the vessel again, he then dropped the crown itself into the water, and found that more water overflowed in the case of the crown than in the case of the golden mass of identical weight; and so, from the fact that more water was needed to make up the deficiency in the case of the crown than in the case of the mass, he calculated and detected the mixture of silver with the gold and the contractor's fraud stood revealed.