[Math Lair] Miscellaneous Puzzles 2

Math Lair Home > Puzzles & Problems > Miscellaneous Puzzles 2
  1. A single-elimination tennis tournament is taking place. There are 28 people competing. How many matches must take place to decide the tournament?
  2. There are two bottles, each 1 litre in size, one containing water and one containing wine. A tablespoon of water is removed from the bottle of water and placed into the bottle of wine, and mixed thoroughly. Then a tablespoon of the mixture is removed from the bottle of wine and placed into the bottle of water. Is there more water in the wine bottle or more wine in the water bottle?
  3. You are playing a game in which there are 100 cards, face down. Out of these cards, 55 have the word "win" on the other side, and 45 have the word "lose." If you flip over a card with "win" on it, you gain an amount of money equal to half of the money that you currently have. If you flip over a card with "lose" on it, you lose an amount of money equal to half of the money that you currently have. Say that you start with $10,000. How much money will you have at the end of the game?

Answers are on the answer page.