Here is a list of the 25 most popular pages at Math Lair. This list is updated from time to time; the ranking is current as of the date at the bottom of the page. If two or more popular pages are very similar and closely related, only one of them is listed below.
- Lateral Thinking Puzzles
- One-Dollar Words
- Paradoxes
- Numbers in Different Languages
- Tic-tac-toe
- Calculation Shortcuts
- Divisibility Tests
- Solutions for 2013 SAT Practice Test, section 6
- The Pythagorean Proposition by Elisha Scott Loomis
- Mathematical Fallacies
- Greek Ionic Numerals
- Pillow-Problems by Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)
- Wason's Four-Card Task
- Uses of Numbers
- How Many Numbers Are There?
- The Metric System - SI Prefixes
- St. Ives Riddle
- Amicable Numbers
- Egyptian Mathematics
- Puzzles and Problems
- Greek Attic Numerals
- Water Jug Problem
- The Spider and the Fly
- Recreational Mathematics
- Relevance Fallacies