[Math Lair] Solutions for 2013 SAT Practice Test, Section 6

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Here are solutions for the section 6 of the 2013-14 SAT practice test; you can find the test at the College Board's web site or in the Getting Ready for the SAT booklet. The following solutions illustrate faster, less formal methods that may work better than formal methods on a fast-paced test such as the SAT. To learn more about these methods, see my e-book Succeeding in SAT Math or the SAT math tips page.

  1. Substitute x + k = 12 into p(x + k) = 36. The result is
    p(12) = 36
    Dividing both sides of the equation by 12, we get p = 3. Therefore the answer is (A) 3.
  2. Translate the question into algebra. To illustrate how to do this, I've spelled every detail out: So, we get:
    13 + ½x = 37
    ½x = 24
    x = 48
    Therefore, the answer is (C) 48.
  3. The usual route from B to C is 2 + 2 = 4 miles. The detour route is 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12 miles. The difference is 12 − 4 = 8 miles. Therefore the answer is (B) 8.
  4. Solution 1: Solution 2: Draw a diagram: Use your graphing or scientific calculator to graph each of the answer choices or generate a table of values for each of the answer choices. You should find that the only equation that works is (B) y = 5.5x + 2.
  5. [rough sketch of coordinate axes] Draw a diagram: Draw a quick sketch of the coordinate axes. Can you find points that are a distance of 4 units from the origin? It shouldn't be difficult to find (4,0), (0,4), (−4, 0), and (0, −4). So, the answer must be either (D) Four or (E) More than four. Can you find another point? Yes, there are an infinite number of other points in a circle of radius 4. So, the answer is (E) More than four.
  6. Solution 1: Draw a diagram; Draw a circle, divide it into thirds, divide each piece into four, and count the number of pieces. There are 12 pieces. So, the answer is 12.
    Solution 2: If a cake is cut into thirds and each piece into fourths, the cake has been cut into (1/3)(1/4) = (1/12) = twelfths. Therefore, there are 12 pieces and the answer is 12.
  7. Solve for h when y = 3 and x = 4:
    3 = h⁄4
    h = 12
    So, when x = 6, y = hx = 12⁄6 = 2. Therefore, the answer is 2.
  8. Try a special case: Say that x = 58. Since x and y are supplementary, y = 180 − x = 180 − 58 = 122. Therefore, an answer is 122. Of course, you could have chosen another value for x within the given range.
  9. Solution 1: If the price goes up $2 per year, it will take 45 years for the price to increase by $90. This will occur in the year 1990 + 45 = 2035. Therefore the answer is 2035
    Solution 2: Create a chart: You might create a chart something along the lines of the following:
    So the answer is 2035.
  10. Solution 1: The point with the largest y-value appears to be at x = 5. This being a parabola, there is no reason to believe that the graph is not symmetrical. So, the answer is 5.
    Solution 2:
  11. If the number has a remainder of 9 when divided by 10, its ones digit must be 9. You can then check all two-digit numbers ending in 9 for their remainder when divided by 9. You can save time if you remember that the digital root of a number—the sum of the number's digits, subtracting 9 until you get a 1-digit result—is equal to the remainder when that number is divided by 9. The possibility for the tens digit that works is 8. If the tens digit is 8, the digital root is 17 − 9 = 8, which is the remainder we want. So, the number is 89.
  12. Solution 1: List every possibility out: There are 9 possibilities:
    4 × 10 = 40
    4 × 11 = 44
    4 × 12 = 48
    5 × 10 = 50
    5 × 11 = 55
    5 × 12 = 60
    6 × 10 = 60
    6 × 11 = 66
    6 × 12 = 72
    5 of the 9 possibilities are divisible by 5. So, the answer is 5⁄9.
    Solution 2: The probability that the result is divisible by 5 is the probability that at least one number selected is divisible by 5.
    Let P(J) represent the probability that j is divisible by 5.
    Let P(K) represent the probability that k is divisible by 5.
    Now, you may remember that P(AB) = P(A) + P(B) − P(AB). In this case:
    P(JK) = P(J) + P(K) − P(JK) = 1⁄3 + 1⁄3 − 1⁄9 = 5⁄9
    Therefore, the answer is 5⁄9.