[Math Lair] Solutions for Practice Test 1, The Official SAT Study Guide, Section 3

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SAT Practice Test Solutions:
2014–15 SAT Practice Test
2013–14 SAT Practice Test
The Official SAT Study Guide, second edition
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Here are solutions for section 3 of the first practice test in The Official SAT Study Guide, second edition, found on pages 396–401. The following solutions illustrate faster, less formal methods that may work better than formal methods on a fast-paced test such as the SAT. To learn more about these methods, see my e-book Succeeding in SAT Math or the SAT math tips page.

  1. Solution 1: Solution 2:
  2. Read the question and understand what it is asking: Train C's speed is 3 × 2 = 6 times that of Train B. If Train B was going 7 miles per hour, Train C must have been going 6 × 7 = 42 miles per hour. Therefore, the answer is (E) 42.
  3. Look at the choices: Look at the answer choices, eliminate any where two points on the graph have the same x-coordinate, and select what's left. If two points on the graph have the same x-coordinate, then you can find a vertical line that passes through two or more points. There are several such vertical lines that can be drawn through (B), (C), and (E), so eliminate those answers. For (A), a vertical line drawn through the corners of the "box" will intersect many points, so (A) can also be eliminated. Therefore, the answer is (B).
  4. Since 4y = 12, y = 3. Now, let's look at 3x² = 12. Since y = 3, we can substitute y for 3 in 3x² = 12, giving yx² = 12, or x²y = 12. Therefore, the answer is (D) 12.
  5. Try a special case: Say that k = 6. When 6 is divided by 7, the remainder is 6. When 6 + 2 is divided by 7, the remainder is 1. Therefore, the answer is (B) 1.
  6. Solution 1: Solution 2: Expand the equation and solve for 4x²
    (2x − 5)(2x + 5) = 5
    4x² − 25 = 5
    4x² = 30
    Therefore, the answer is (E) 30.
  7. If 3a + 4b = b, then we can subtract b from both sides, getting
    3a + 3b = 0
    multiplying both sides by 2, we get:
    6a + 6b = 0
    Therefore, the answer is (A) 0.