[Math Lair] Solutions for The Real ACT Prep Guide, 2nd Edition, practice test 1

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Here are solutions for the first practice test in The Real ACT Prep Guide, 2nd Edition. While the book does provide solutions, the following solutions illustrate faster, less formal methods that may work better for you on the actual test. I haven't reprinted the questions here; see why do solutions pages not contain questions? for why they aren't here.

  1. Simplify the expression in your head or on paper:
      3x³ · 2x²y · 4x²y = (3 · 4 · 2)(x³ · x² · x²)(y · y) = 24x7y²
    Therefore, the answer must be H. 24x7y². You can also solve this problem by process of elimination: 3 · 2 · 4 = 24, so the answer can't be F. or G.. x³ · x² · x² = x7, so the answer can't be J. or K. either, leaving H. as the only possibility.
  2. Carefully expand the expression:
    a[b + (cd)]
    = ab + acad
    The correct answer is A. ab + acad.
  3. There are several ways to solve this problem. One of them is demonstrated below:
  4. If x³ = 64 and x is a real number, than x must be equal to 4. Therefore, x² + √x = 16 + 2 = 18. Therefore, the answer is H.
  5. You can solve the problem using matrix multiplication, but if the matrices intimidate you, don't worry about them. Just multiply the quantities together:
    40 · 0.3 + 60 · 0.4 + 80 · 0.2 + 80 · 0.5 = 92

    Therefore, the answer is D. 92.

  6. Looking at any completed row or column of the table, the sum of that row or column is 6x. Looking at the middle row of the table, its sum is 4x. Therefore, the value of the center cell must be H. 2x.
  7. You may know the answer to this question offhand. If not:
  8. It might be possible for you to simply evaluate the proportion in your head. If not:
  9. Solution 1: Solution 2:
  10. Add y to both sides of the equation 8xy − 6 = 0; this results in 8x − 6 = y. Therefore, the answer is H. y = 8x − 6.
  11. Solution 1: Solution 2: Guess and check: Substitute the value of each answer in the given equation, and determine if any gives a result of 0. If x = 36 (B.), then x² − 36x = 0. Select B. 36.
  12. The tangent is opposite/adjacent. From angle R, the opposite side is r and the adjacent side is t. Therefore, the answer is G. r/t.
  13. The pictograph depicts 2.5 cars for Coupeville, and 10 cars in total. Therefore, the fraction of the cars assembled in Coupeville is 2.5/10 = 1/4. Therefore, the answer is B. ¼. Note that we don't have to convert the cars in the pictograph to the number of cars assembled.
  14. Solution:
  15. Solution 1: Solution 2: Draw a diagram: On your graphing calculator, plot the two lines. You should be able to see that the x-coordinate where the two lines intersect is 2; therefore, the answer is B. 2.
    Solution 3: Guess and check: Substitute each answer into the two equations and see whether the y-coordinate is the same in both equations. If it is, that means that that x-coordinate represents the point of intersection. After a few tries, you should find that B. 2 is the correct answer.
  16. Solution 1: Solve the equation:
    M = 3V + 6
    M − 6 = 3V
    V = (M − 6) / 3
    Therefore, the answer is J. (M − 6) / 3.
    Solution 2:
  17. The area of a parallelogram is bh, where b is the length of the base and h is the perpendicular height. Therefore, the area is 4(3 + 6) = 36. So, the answer is B. 36.
  18. Solution 1:
  19. Calculate the answer: The answer is equal to (8/12) · 15 or 10. Therefore, the answer is B. 10.0.
  20. This question is a little easier if you've had some practice with Diophantine equations, which unfortunately most high school students haven't. However, the question yields to some logical thinking. Assuming x and y have no factors in common, the greatest common factor of x²y² and xy³ is xy². Now, 45 = 5 · 3². Since x and y are positive integers, the only wy that xy² could equal 5 · 3² is if y = 3. So, the answer must be E. 3.
  21. Try a special case: Assume that the radius of the first circle is 4 and the radius of the second circle is 9. Then, the circumference of the first circle is 2π(4) = 8π, and the circumference of the second circle is 2π(9) = 18π. The ratio between the two is 8π:18π = 4:9. Therefore, the answer is G. 4:9.
  22. Don't freak out if you haven't seen complex numbers before. Just perform the calculation and keep in mind that i² = −1:
    1/(1 + i) · (1 − i) / (1 − i)
    = (1 − i) / (1 + i)(1 − i)
    = (1 − i) / (1 − i²)
    = (1 − i) / (1 − (− 1))
    = (1 − i) / 2
    Therefore, the answer is J. (1 − i) / 2.
  23. Solution 1: Solution 2:
  24. Solution 1: Solution 2:
  25. It can be tempting to select F. 8 here, but that's not the correct answer. There are a few ways to find the correct answer.
    Solution 1: Solution 2:
  26. Look at the answers: Use process of elimination. The equations must be connected with an "and", otherwise quite a lot of area would be shaded. This eliminates B. and D. One of the equations must be x ≥ 3, so that eliminates E. The other must be y ≤ −2x, so that eliminates C. Therefore, the answer must be A. y ≤ −2x and x ≥ 3.
  27. Don't panic if you haven't taken calculus. Just do what the question asks:
    f(x + h) = (x + h)² − 2
    = x² + 2xh + h² − 2
    Therefore, the answer is K. x² + 2xh + h² − 2.
  28. One way of getting the answer is to simplify the equation, resulting in y = 2x + 1 where x ≠ 0. This corresponds to answer A.
  29. Solution 1: Solution 2:

Next test in this book: test 2.